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  • Napier House
  • 62 - 64 Bridge Street
  • Walton-on-Thames (Near Weybridge)
  • KT12 1AP
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Clinically known as halitosis, bad breath is a common problem that affects many people for variable reasons – in fact, most people will suffer from bad breath at some point during their lives.

Whilst it’s normal to have bad breath on occasion (after eating pungent foods, for example), chronic bad breath should be investigated by a dentist. In the majority of cases, it’s caused by gum disease which requires treatment and affects an estimated 30% of the population.

Preventing bad breath

Once you are brushing twice a day for the recommended time, using the correct techniques to clean between your teeth and your tongue, you will find you have fresher breath. Many patients notice they also develop new-found confidence too. If you’re unsure how to get the best out of using dental aids, please don’t hesitate to ask your dentist at Oatlands Dental Lounge, who will be more than happy to demonstrate.

Visiting us regularly for routine appointments not only helps to keep bad breath at bay, but will also flag up any developing problems, so they can be treated early, and stopped in their tracks.

1. What causes bad breath?

The cause of chronic bad breath could be due to the gases that are released by bacteria that’s lingering on your teeth, gums and tongue. Left untreated, this could cause serious problems with your dental health and hygiene. Meanwhile, smoking, trapped food particles and certain medications that cause your mouth to remain dry, can lead to, and exacerbate bad breath.

2. Is bad breath treatable?

We will examine your mouth to establish the source of your bad breath. If this is found to be gum disease, we will perform a scale and polish to remove plaque and tartar that is omitting a bad odour, and thoroughly clean the pockets between your teeth and gums.

We’ll also ask you a few questions about your at-home oral hygiene routine, to try and help you improve on specific habits that may be contributing to bad breath.

If you would like to find out more information regarding our treatments

CONTACT US Or Call 01932 858 686
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Oatlands Dental Lounge - Logo
  • Napier House
  • 62 - 64 Bridge Street
  • Walton-on-Thames (Near Weybridge)
  • KT12 1AP